Well it all depends on whether you want your site to be full flash or part flash/part html. Most people that build full flash sites will use the loadmovie method to load in a external swf movie into the main swf movie. If you’re going to use flash and have it link to an html page then you would use getURL to bring up a new browser window with your html page or have it load the html page over the current page.
To learn more about the loadmovie method for full flash sites, take a look at this link:
Yes, this should help, except I have one more question. When I am loading a new swf file, what do I put in the spot labeled contents in the code below…
on (release) {
Thanks geek, once again you have come through for me. But of course, whenever I solve one problem, another one arises. Here is my new problem:
I have 2 pages right now. 1st page is intro, second page is index2. I have an empty MC called “site”. When you open up my intro page, you see my stuff. Then you click on “enter site” and it loads index2 into “site”. Now once index2 is loaded, one of my rollover effects does not work. When you rollover my links, I have an empy text box that describes what that page you rolled over is about. That does not work.
Weird thing is, if I open index2 from Flash, it all works perfectly. Could this have something to do with the empty MC?
I will understand if you get lost in reading this.
Thanks a lot