
what is the best way to load the main page of a site after the intro is over ??

in other words, i have a preloader that loads the intro, then after it is played, the main page of the site should load.

is there a way to call that main page after the intro is over ??
or should i put both the intro and the main page in the same SWF file ??

(all site pages are done with MX)

no you can just tell flash to go get the file.
on the last frame of your intro put this code

onEnterFrame = function () {
getURL ("main.html", _blank);

replace the words main.html with your file’s name and change _blank to what you want your target frame to be … and you should be in business

hope this helps

hey shuga,

i forgot to say that all my pages are with chromless.

should put this code:
on (release) {

here is how it goes:

“start.html” has “start.swf”, and includes an “enter” button. (this page is a normal HTML page).

then, this enter button, opens a normal HTML page (_self). this page is “intro.html” that has “intro.swf”.

now, after “intro.swf” is done, i want it to launch “home.html” which has “home.swf” , BUT in chromless.

i hope u got the big picture, any advice now ??

thanks buddy.

make a blank movieclip and put it in it’s own layer on the last frame of your animation

attatch this code to the blank movieclip

onClipEvent (load) {
getURL("javaScript:openIT4FLASH('main.html',700,500,null,null,'mywinname01')", _self);

let me know if that works

note: for some reason the forum is editing my java code so where you see the word about … put javascript there

yep , it worked smoothly but i had to change the code a bit and add a " for the _self.

thanks a lot man, thank u very much …

you’re very welcome
glad i could be of assistance