Hi Everyone,
I got this project I need to do and I was wondering whether someone could tell me if the following things are possible and easy or taxing to implement in Flash.
I recently converted a 40 page pdf file into 40 separate, one page per file, SWF files. I did this because I needed to insert hyperlinks to some of the words in the document through a Java program and I chose to convert to SWF format because of the freely available swftools found here: http://www.swftools.org/ The tool pdf2swf allows you to to specify the number of pages to be converted to SWF.
What I need to do now is implement something along the lines of what can be found here: http://www.videomags.net/magazines/ig85/launch.html (click on the image on the page).
I need to embed these SWF files, allow page turning between them (which includes the ability to skip to a specific page or the last/first page of the document), give the option to print the entire document or one page at a time, etc. All this obviously needs to be aesthetically pleasing.
So, is it possible to implement something like this in Flash? If so, how easy/difficult would it be to do? The solution needs to be flexible in case changes will be request in the future.