Paint Shop Pro 7

I understood, a good flash will not be without a paint program. I dont have enough cash currently so i started with Paint Shop Pro 8. But i dont know where should i start, what should i do. Is there any tutorial page for this or sth like that?

do like PS, play around with it, filter are a bit different to handle and the ONE great thing about PSP is that left mouse zooms in and right mouse zooms out…

Yes i am doing it right now, but, any sites like phong?

have you googled yet? I remember finding some decent psp portals out there (I think this was around ver 6 maybe 7) just from searching. Ones worth coming back to.

Yes, i searched lot but all of them were 5,6,7. good place to start. that is where I started when I start using psp7…I think you will enjow PSP8…It is a good app.

most 7 tuts will work with 8

also jasc has a forum you can maybe ask around there

i’ve bought Photo Shop 7. This will be much easier for me i think because i used to use photoshop 5 much

I want to ask one thing. All the colors are from black to white. I mean they are in greyscale. Whatever i choose. Why is it like that, how can i fix it?

Ok i got that.

switch it 2 rgb or cymk