guess who has panther now? :s:
i :love: my new os. screens coming soon!
guess who has panther now? :s:
i :love: my new os. screens coming soon!
bring it…
good for ya dipster :thumb:
dont you love it RR? omgosh! we need to have a panther rondezus (or w.e) or something! share files. yeah i have to write a paper then i will type up a report on how i like and and what not.
Lucky! Maybe I should stop procrastinating and get my copy already!
Did any of you guys go to the premier party at your local Apple store? I did - geeks everywhere! It was a blast. I got to try it then. I was pretty excited about Expose and I was most pleased to finally try it out. I think that there alone is worth the bread.
Hey… if you guys have a firewire cam, maybe we could arrange a digital meeting via iChat?
renGirl just wait untill christmas, i need to choose though:
tough choice i really want an iPod cause i will use it everyday. Where as no one has an iSight yet so i dont really know if its worht the cash if none of my buddies have it you know?
btw XCode is amazing :thumb:
ok takin the screens now, should have something for you guys later!
ok here we go:
so far from what i see the whole thing si absoulty amazing,i doubt i will utilize every feature untill 10.4.
The fast user switching is simply amazing and hte graphics involved are top notch. there are three types of expose, expose which lines up all open windows so you can see them and scroll through them (, there is the program expose which lets you browse through all open windows of a program, great for multi ps files open or multi chat windows open, (, and then there is an expose that moves all the windows out of view so you can accesss the finder. The new application fast switch is so amazing and easyer, ( and the new finder is one of a kind with OS9’s color lables ( ok now there is also file vault which allows you to encrypt all your files (which i am going ot do later tonight) and it woudl take a super computer something like 1 trillion years to crack open them so thats cool. well this isnt even the surface of the features, there is xcode which i have to play around with more, and ugh just so much other things that i havent gotten to use yet. so i will keep you updated. but those alone are worth an upgrade or a mac :thumb:
btw mac bundeled in a whole lot of programs like the new ichat and safari and also fontbook and what not so its loaded. you really have to see it. there is a video of all the stuff i said in action!
btw again the guy who made alias uses only macs! w00t!
Do love it indeed dipster … built in native fax in&out +++++++++(too much to list - so much I haven’t even explored yet)
got mine at the premeire party … just couldn’t go home without it
Ren: there is as of today I think the first upGrade out (10.3.1) you should really get this thing - it’s great
isight is probably going to be my next venture but right now I’ve got to deal with a dead drive …
…BTW… mariofan brought up a thread about ichatAV a few days ago
P.S. ALERT: Dip, whatever you do read up on a recent issue with the file vault before you try it here’s a direct to the article:
thanks so much! i almost just enabled it but didnt at the last second! few! lol. yeah i got 10.3.1 right after i installe dit this afternoon lol. ok i gotta read those thansk!
Go with the iPod dipi! You shouldn’t even have to think about that one! Trust me on that one. The iPod is the BEST purchase I have ever made and has become much more useful than I thought it would be. I could gush on about this…
I don’t have an iSight but I have a miniDV camcorder which I have tested as a webcam. It connects via firewire, so I’m sure it’ll work great with iChatAV. I asked mariofan about iChat a long time ago (when iChat first debuted) but we keep missing eachother.
Fontbook is pretty cool - so far I like it more than Suitcase (which is what I use to keep track of my huge font collection).
And fast-user switch is really awesome and something I could definitely use (as I’ve been having to share my Mac with my family… despite the two PCs laying untouched around the house).
yeah, go for the ipod!
hey ren! its a me luigifan!!!
ren i thought so! hehe. yeah i got a miniDV camcorder too, i was thinking fo that but would have no clue as how to make it into a webcam…hmm if i set that up then hell yeah i will meet up with a few of you guys! hehe i want the iPod cause like i said i know i will use that every day so it was that hands down, but i still wanted another opinion. wow i woke up to read the cover story of macword (panther by the numbers) and shesh, there are somany good improvements. that i didnt even know about cuase i never thought i would need them, now i do! lol. now in panther you can opt to have smooth scroling, so like in safari you can hit page down, and instead of it goingl ine by line it will smoothly scroll down the page :thumb:
What’s up mario… i mean luigifan! I knew you would chime in sooner or later!
dipi: as for making a DV cam into a webcam… I found a couple applications that did the trick. I just plugged in the cam, fired up the app and I was in business! No messy configurations or anything of that ilk. Unfortunately I’m at work (not on a Mac) right now and I can’t recall what the apps were called (it’s been a while since I tested them). I’ll try and get back to you on that when I get home.
I figure it will be the same with iChat. Plug in and play.
ah ok cool. well let me know.
that sucks no macs? aww. oh well, well i i will try it. do i need to like have a tape in and press record or something like htat? i donno let mek now how it works and then we can try something :thumb:
Actually they do have a snow iMac DV SE. I saw it last week when I checked out the IT department. It’s for testing purposes. I really wish I could convince them to get me a G5… but it’ll probably never happen.
Anyways - no you don’t need a tape, unless you want to keep a record of your webcam. You just turn it on and whatever shows up on your camcorder screen is what the shows up on the cam. So if you have a camcorder with a memory stick slot for still pictures, you can pop those up on the cam’s interface and the user will see it!
sweet well when i get home i will fool around with it. wanna pm me your ichat info (anyone who wants to meet up and has ichat thatd be cool, lets see how may of us we can get!)
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