Papervision3d GUI (PaperFace) Team

In late January I started a project called PaperFace, it is a giant project that is an attempt to build a web-based front end for Papervision. It would allow designer to start harnessing more of the 3d power on the web, plus it could make creation of Papervision 3d scenes much quicker for developers as well.

I quickly realized that I don’t have enough time to make this thing on my own, but being stubborn, I tried anyways. Well, I haven’t had time to even really think about it for over a month now but would like to get back at it.

What I have decided to do is to try and create a team of 3 or 4 developers to try and get this this off the ground and working, because I really feel that it would be a benefit to the Flash community. If you would like to help out, I am looking for a couple people that have experience in both Flex and Papervision.

If you are interested, you can check out to see the app and email me at and we can get going on this ASAP.

Marc Pelland