
I’m having some problems with papervision3d VideoStreamMaterial and Cube objects together

I’m using the latest version of papervision3d (v1.5) downloaded from

I found in the documentation - in the site - that the Cube object supports different materials for each side…

Ao all I had to do was to create a MaterialsList object, add the material types I wanted and it’s done…but the version 1.5 actually doesn’t support the MaterialsList as a parameter in the constructor of the Cube object…

then I found a new version of the Cube class that supports the MaterialsList as parameter…so I started to using something like this…

materials = new MaterialsList();
   materials.addMaterial(bmp, "face1");
   materials.addMaterial(new ColorMaterial(0xfe4e34), "face2");
   materials.addMaterial(new VideoStreamMaterial(vid, ns), "face3");
   materials.addMaterial(new ColorMaterial(0xf4fe45), "face4");
   materials.addMaterial(new ColorMaterial(0xfeaf56), "face5");
   materials.addMaterial(new ColorMaterial(0xfede76), "face6");
   cube = new Cube( materials, 480, 50, 266, 10, 10, 10 )

where vid is the instance of the video object and ns is the instance of the netStream object.

the first thing I noticed is that the video was stopping at some point (not always the same point)…so I just added this to the code

ns.client.onMetaData = function © {}

and magically the video worked fine…

so, all was working perfectly, the cube was created, with different types of materials and the video was playing fine in the cube structure

but… in firefox it just doesn’t render the cube in the screen…i don’t know why, but even if I put the video outside the cube, in a regular sprite, and render the cube as color, or bitmap materials, it works…

when I put the video as a face of the cube, the cube disappers, but the video plays (I just know that because I can hear the music of the video).

Does anyone know what’s wrong?