PV3D MaterialsList

Hi I am trying to build a portfolio site with a 3D rotating effect.
I am new to Papervision so I might be doing something stupid with my code. :cantlook:
Anyway, this is my code, but nothing shows up on stage when I load it:

private function init3D():void {
    opaqueBackground = 0xFFFFFF;
    camera.focus = 100;
    camera.zoom = 11;

    var i:int = assets.length - 1;
    var matList:MaterialsList = new MaterialsList();
    matList.addMaterial(createMovieAsset(assets[0]), "front");
    matList.addMaterial(new ColorMaterial(0xffffff), "back");
    matList.addMaterial(createMovieAsset(assets[1]), "right");
    matList.addMaterial(createMovieAsset(assets*), "left");
    matList.addMaterial(new ColorMaterial(0xffffff), "top");
    matList.addMaterial(new ColorMaterial(0xffffff), "bottom");
    cube = new Cube(matList, 550, 550, 550);
    cube.z = 550;

private function createMovieAsset(asset:MovieClip):MovieMaterial {
    var movieMaterial:MovieMaterial = new MovieMaterial(asset, true);
    return movieMaterial;

note: assets is an array of movieclips that I created containing my images loaded from an XML file.

I am pretty sure it’s something to do with the movieclips that I have created, but unsure what I can do to fix the error.

Any help would be greatly appreciated, thanks in advance :slight_smile: