Parent/Child Movieclip Problem

I have my parent MC instance name “legend”- within the MC I have a button “info_btn”

I want the MC “legend” to start with alpha value 10. Then when you rollover the MC legend it fades into 100. Then when I rollover the MC info_btn it makes over_mc appear.

I am a newbie, why doesn’t his code work?:

#include ""

legend._alpha = 10;
legend.useHandCursor = false
legend.over_mc._visible = false;

legend.info_btn.onRollOverHandler = function(){
	legend.over_mc._visible = true;

legend.info_btn.onRollOutHandler = function (){
	legend.over_mc._visible = false;
// delegate to all children
legend.onRollOver = function(){

legend.onRollOut = function(){