Well, about 3 hours ago I was sitting at my computer when the TV, lights, fan, etc went out(not my computer though, oddly). I thought, hmm, thats odd. Just then I can smell a faint yet distinctive smell of smoke. I sit for a couple of seconds and wonder if I somehow burned my graphics card. The smell becomes more intence as I realize its not comming from my computer. I open the door to the hall and a wall of smoke hits me.Literally. My eyes instantly go dry and I realize that I’m breathing but not getting any air. Instinctivly I jump out of the window and run over to my neighbors.
pling pling pling pling cmon! open the door already. pling pling. After what seemed an eternity he finally opens the door. I’m still in a rather severe state of shock and say “eeeh, I think my house is on fire”. He responds with “…what?”. “oh ****! The dogs”. I rush back to my house, try to open the door. Crap, its locked. I take a deep breath, climb back into my room. Cant see anything. Not even my hand. My eyes hurt like hell. I find the lampswitch. Like that was going to help. Forgot that the power was out. Open my door(which I apperently had closed). Yell at the dogs. I try to see if they’re there with my hands. No luck. I feel like I’m about to pass out. Need to get out now! No! I can’t leave the dogs here. I franticly feel around my room for my keys. I finally find them, hurl myself out the window. Air! Finally.
My neighboor underestimated the whole situation. He apperantly thought he could take out the fire with his fire extinguisher. He looks at me in shock as I gasp for air on the lawn. His wife is on the street and is calling the fire department. I rush to the front door. Open it. Wall of smoke hits me again. Our two puppys run out. Their mom is lying on the floor looking at me. I grab her and quite literally throw her out. My neighbors put them in their house for now.
I call my sister, tell her that the house is on fire. I’m safe and the dogs are too but she better get over here. Amazingly she comes over just 1 min after the fire department arrive.
So the fire department put the fire out and told me that its only in the cellar. Probably the heat pump. I dont know how extensive it is though.
Right now I’m at my sisters appartment. Cant sleep so I decided to vent a bit here. Hopefully I’ll take some pictures and upload them tomarrow.