Hi - i have been playing with Zend and ran into a problem…
Sorry for my lack of php knowledege…
In my database i have a field called “live”, and i only want to grab entries in a table that have “live” set to “1”
This is what i have tried, but it doesn’t work…
public function getTutorialsLive($live)
$result = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM testTable WHERE live = '%s';", $live);
$t = array();
while($row = mysql_fetch_assoc($result))
array_push($t, $row);
return $t;
In my Flash…
function getMyTutorialsLive():void
var res:Responder = new Responder(getMyTutorialsLiveResult, onError);
nc.call("Tutorials.getTutorialsLive", res, 1);
if you know the answer, how would you also pass several arguments
Any help would be much appreciated