Passing different Vars from HTML to 1 swf-menu?


I feel I have some very stupid problem here and I am really desperate.

I have a very classic website with Flash built menu and HTML content.
Now what I need is the menu buttons( which are Movie Clips actually) to maintain in their pressed position when a particular button from menu is pressed
(which actually I did inside flash, but everytime new hyperlink is followed, the website is refreshed and new SWF loaded without button being pressed obviously).

I know this can be done either by Frames which I do not want or passing
an argument in URL string from HTML when we call for an SWF object.

Sounds great, but I how do I pass different arguments to several menu pages, when i have only one SWF object and therefore only one hard-coded place of data or value where i can pass the argument in string ?

Do I need to divide my flash object to as many swf’s as i need buttons and links ?
