Passing flashvars to a loaded swf in a target_mc?

I have a flash mp3 player that loads its info from an xml file and it works great. I’m trying to load this same player onto another website and have changed the domains, xml info, etc to load new songs. I want to have this swf be integrated into a larger site and not just loaded at the bottom of an html page. Here’s the player working:
On the new site, I have a target movieclip named mp3player and is the same dimensions as the loaded swf is supposed to be. On frame 1, I have a loadmovie() and then a loadVariables() and I have copied/pasted the flashvars from the working html page into the loadVariables().
The site is loading the swf, but not seeing the flashvars. The swf is loading way zoomed in on the image that is supposed to be 120×120 Please help!