Passing variables to another swf file?

Hey ppl.

Il give you the scenario so you know what im dealing with and what im trying to do.

Im trying to create an on-line catalogue displaying my products. Ive put my products into various catergories.

So I have a main movie which is at _level0 and isnt replaced throughout the site since it contains my main menu of products.

When the user selects one of these items he/she is led to the appropriate movie which loads into _level1. This movie now contains a further set of buttons to select the specific range of product he/she wants to view. Il call this menu movie.

This leads to “catalogue.swf” loading in at _level1. The “catalogue.swf” main feature is that is has 5 boxes which will load jpegs of my products from the specific folder.

This is where my problems begin. As you could imagine if i created a catalogue movie for every single catergory id have over 30 of the same movie, updating it would be a *****.

What I opted for was to create a single “catalogue.swf” and then goin back a step when the user selects a product in my menu movie by pressing the specific button the onRelease action would pass a variable to “catalogue.swf” which could then go the appropriate folder and start loading the jpegs.

Im trying the .txt option at present. So in notepad ive written
catergory = “mens”;

and saved it as “cmsuits”.

I even tried
&catergory = “mens”;

cause I it written like that in a book.

I then set the code in my menu movie as follows;
suits_btn.onRelease = function() {
loadMovieNum(“catalogue.swf”, 1);
loadVariablesNum(“cmsuits.txt”, 1);

I also tried loading the variables first but that doesnt work either. When i trace “catergory” (my variable that i want to pass into “catalogue.swf” it comes up as “undefined”.

My “catalogue.swf” would basically compare the passed variable to the ones ive listed in it as a “if” statement and load the approariate jpegs.

I know i written a essay but I wanted to make sure you understood what i was trying to do. Can any one tell me what im doing wrong - ie what i should have as code in my notepad file, my menu movie and catalogue.swf if any thing? or is there another solution?

ps im not that good at flash so make it simple please!!