
Heres the situation…I have a movie with 5 scenes, I have buttons in each scene that I’m using as navigation around the scenes. Everything is fine and dandy, but I’m trying to consolidate everything into one MC (that way I can change something in the MC and it changes in all scenes instead of having to change things scene by scene) Now that I’ve done this, none of the buttons work. I have this script inside the MC containing my buttons:

btnLinks.onRelease = function(){
if (_root.section != “links”){
_root.section = “links”;

like I said, this works fine when the buttons are on the main timeline, but now that there in an MC they don’t work. I tried putting _level1. _level0. _root. _parent. etc before the gotoAndStop(“links”,1); line and still got nothing…what am I doing wrong?