hello i have 3 scenes.
on the third scene i have a mc which holds a button and i put action script into the button where on release gotoandplay scene 1 frame 1 but when i play the movie nothing happens when i click the button. But for some reason if i take the button out of the mc it works. Can anyone help me. thanks
You probably have some AS on that mc that is killing the mouse events for the button.
You cannot have nested mouse events.
It could either be what claudio mentioned, or it could also be that you didn’t define the level:[AS]on (release) {
ok it didnt work. So how can i make a button inside a mc to take me to a diff scene? or is it impossible
is there a way i can fix it or not?
That script I gave you should’ve worked, unless like claudio said, you have actions on the Movie Clip containing the button.
i tried it didnt work
Ok umm so i am trying to get to Scene 1 from Scene 3 by clicking a button inside a mc which is on the scence 3.
The action on the button is:
on (release) {
_root.gotoAndPlay(“Scene 1”, 1);
txt1.text = “hey”;
If someone can see wut i am doing wrong i will appreciate it.
ok… maybe i’m wrong. but… is it posible to directly access frames with gotoAndPlay…
i always thought you just can access frames you first gave a name to in the properties panel…