How do I make a button that will pause my movie when pressed and restart from the same location when pressed again?? My AS sux very bad so excuse me if this is a classic bonehead question…
MC with 2 frames, one with a button that stops the movie, one frame with a button that plays the movie.
On release, the MC goes to frame 2, or 1, depending on where it is.
There is probably an easier way with AS, but this is my solution…
I think I tried that way and it did not work. What I have is a movie that is like 500 frames. What they wanna be able to do is pause the movie so it could be stopped at 150 or 450 or anywhere. BUt for some reason (actually because I suck at AS) I cant get it to do it. BUt I do thank you for the suggestion.
what did the solution above do that was wrong?
Maybe we can fix that…
It stopped the movie but when I pressed play again it started the movie over.
did you have a on that button, or a GOto?
can you u/l a sample .fla?
HHHMMMMM…neither I think I am misunderstanding your solution… Let me read your post carefully. I cant post 1. it is huge 2. proprietary mumbo jumbo. Maybe I can make a lil sample real quick.
awwww man rev that works for me. Thanks man… I was not doing it right…
glad it works…
Hey, My first help in MX code!
Hey I have one more question. You know how _root. will control the main timeline from a embedded movie… How do you go the other way around…control a embedded movie from the main timeline???
I think…
clip name or instance name??
instance name