Urgent help with play/pause button

I have seen umpteen different guides on how to make a play/pause button in flash. and i cannot get it to work. I think i may pull my hair out soon.

basically- i have made an mc which sits on the main timeline. i t has 2 frames, ecah of which has a stop() action in the frame. the first has a pause button with the following script attached to to the button:


i have also tried putting in nextFrame instead of gotoAndStop() -but this is besides the point as it’s not even stopping!

in the second frame there is a play button with the following scruipt attached to it:


I think the problem may be deeper rooted because i have looked on sevral guides and they all tell me to do a similar thing.
In fact i made a button which sat on the timeline with this script

on (release) {

and STILL nothing happened!!! someone helo me please!!


thave you tried:



and why are you going to another frame? when i did mine i just used stop and play…then again that was when i was learning f5, but i think it still worked well.

hope it helps.

im not trying to stop an mc- but trying to stop the entire timeline. The stop/pause buttons are inside an mc

Please dont crosspost chimpo.
Here it is

Iam very sorry but i have to demonstrate my project on monday and the panic is begining to set in. However- that fla works PERFECTLY. That, and coupled with the fact that you have a V Records logo/Movement logo as your avatar = you. are. a. genius

thanks so much !!

:beam: welcome