Hi All,
I am working on a project for a client that requires a payment gateway. I have very little experience in ecommerce and am having problems choosing an option. I have looked at Authorize.net, Linkpoint.com and PayPal as options.
The site is a business listing service. The check out is very simple. The users will pay a fixed subscription fee which is good for 30 days. So really all I need is a Pay Subscription Fee button or link that will take the user to the payment form.
Looking at the 3 options I listed, PayPal looks like the cleanest, quickest way to set this up. Linkpoint.com and Authorize.net have a lot more code and setup involved. Also these two require form fields for credit card info on your site which I am trying to avoid.
I’m just looking for Opinions or experience in the area. Tanks in advance.