Payment Gateway opinions needed

Hi All,

I am working on a project for a client that requires a payment gateway. I have very little experience in ecommerce and am having problems choosing an option. I have looked at, and PayPal as options.

The site is a business listing service. The check out is very simple. The users will pay a fixed subscription fee which is good for 30 days. So really all I need is a Pay Subscription Fee button or link that will take the user to the payment form.

Looking at the 3 options I listed, PayPal looks like the cleanest, quickest way to set this up. and have a lot more code and setup involved. Also these two require form fields for credit card info on your site which I am trying to avoid.

I’m just looking for Opinions or experience in the area. Tanks in advance.

I’m pretty sure a lot of people really like (I’ve heard good things), but I’ve never tried implementing any of them.

Well considering you added the provision that you would prefer to process off site, Paypal is your best option. I would go with myself if I were looking for my own business, I’ve heard good things.

On both of the webshops I’ve set up I’ve used However, look through the specs first. If you can’t meet the requirements for their AIM, you would be forced to go with ‘SIM’ which is drastically worse and then you might want to consider another solution.

edit: means you process off-site btw…