I wasn’t sure if I should post this here, as I don’t know exactly what I need so I didn’t know the area to post it.
We here at work are looking for a way to recieve payments online with our website. We have looked into Pay Pal and also Ecommerce from the bank. We have a programmer here so the backend stuff isn’t going to be a problem we just don’t know a few things.
Pay Pal is a good option except it takes some of your profits and it also doesn’t really look like your own site, kind of like going of site to buy somthing. I don’t really like that idea.
E-Commerce is just way to expensive right now. We won’t be going through a ton of stock just yet so I don’t know if it’s worth the price. I like the flexibility of it all and that it’s just us and the Banks that run it, no middle men, but still, so much money.
Does anyone else have some ideas? We baisicly want someone to be able to order a product, input their credit card number, have it proccessed, once it goes though we get and fill the order.
Anyone? Thanks! :tie: