
I’m thinking about buying a Handheld for storing all my contacts and as a calender, especially for school.

Is anyone here having experiences with them ? I’m thinking about buying the Sony CLIE PEG-SJ20 or his brother with a color display Sony CLIE PEG-SJ30

My experience with PDAs would tell me that Sony makes a very nice one with high resolution and sound as opposed to Palm’s lower resolutions and lack of audio other than alarm sounds. After having owned a Palm IIIe, Palm M100 and Palm M505 I don’t know how I ever lived without a color screen or with less than 8mb of memory and my 64mb SD card. Go for the Sony with color :nerd:


and the sony now has a flash player :beam:

Personally I wouldnt get a color, drains batteries like no tomorrow. I want a tablet PC!

:love: :love: :love: :love:

i have and use a palm Vx. love it.

*Originally posted by ahmed *

:love: :love: :love: :love: **

I would [size=1]almost[/size] die for one of these!

/me wants: http://www.viewsonic.com/products/tablet_pc_tabletpcv1100.htm

dunno but i liked the compaq one the most. I am thinking of getting one if i got a job this summer… but then when i look at the specs i can get for the same price if i got a desktop or an ordinary laptop… confusing :crazy:

Aeh, thanks for replying to the topic :smiley:

However, I wouldn’t buy those tablets yet. They are yust getting started, so they got a lot of bugs and they are still really expensive…

And sexy as hell!

*Originally posted by morse *
**/me wants: http://www.viewsonic.com/products/tablet_pc_tabletpcv1100.htm **

Me wants: http://www.panoramtech.com/products/pv230.html

Haha, that owns… geez

I use P800 from sony, it’s so cool.
Tri-band cellphone, PDA, tons of Rom (games).
Just cool

I use a normal agenda with paper pages in it. So cool… :sigh:


for the price, you can’t beat the Dell PDA… Axiom…

I got one for 125.00.

yeah dell has a pocket pc with a good price…

The Dell one is really neat, but it costs something like 250$ that is kinda to much :smiley: