
hmm i need to practise a little bit more…

heh all I can do with a pen is write… :beer:

some of this seems so fake but I doubt it is :to:

Oh dear God!

I couldn’t do that without injuring everyone around me! :x

ooh neato! I hate embedded wmp files though, they drive me insane 'cause they streem so poorly and I can’t even see how far they’ve loaded :stuck_out_tongue:

Yeah, I prefer quicktime for that reason.

But hot diggity - that’s impresive. And it also makes me wonder how much time was spent learning and mastering these things.

too much time.

wow thats cool, looks like alot of time was put into being able to do that.

i bet those people can play a mean guitar too, with finger agility like that…

that aint a fake video, it’s the new hype this year in france in classes, I know there was like 3/4th of the boys doing that in my school, some of them as good as the kids in the video… i hate it, the just a bunch of morons.

Haha, it’s like Iceman in Top Gun!

…okay, forget I said that.

It’s neat, seems unbelievably hard so that makes it even more…neater.

check out for loads of stuff like that, its basically a website devoted to tricks with your hands.

Fellas undoubtably it is real, not all of it ‘is real’ though. It’s been edited to be super impressive.