3ds Max Smooth 3d bubble styley

i was wondering if any one had any tips or tuts for me on how to do smooth clean 3d renders like these


(go to the wallpapers section and the first one… element i like that)

how would i do like a smooth 3d bubble interface like that? any ideas?

if ne one could whip up like a little box or summit all smooth like that a and explain maybe that could help me on my way?

im sure its prety simple but ive just got 3ds max back and cant remember much :frowning:

Thanks people :beer:

Faithy Boi

I personally use like a light dome (sphere with the normals flipped and given lum.) Then render with radiosity (GI).

oh wait I thought you were referring to the homepage image. The others are hdri, radiosity and a nicely setup scene for good reflections.

yep definitely Hdri… Maybe this will help…


…btw the wallpapers on that link you provided are pretty nice.

yeah thanks guys i got that bit sorta … :unsure: lol

ne ways could you give me ne tips on modeling that sorta shape ive tryed doing poly modeling from abox but cant seem to get the shapes right? is there any other way one of you guys would do it? if so please do tell :wink:

thanks again guys

ye soulty them wallpapers do rox! :slight_smile:

This guy is pretty good. I love the smooth geometry… It looks real.

Oh, and he’s using LightWave :wink:

I 've seen this guys work before over on DA, I may even have a few of his pieces in my Favs folder… yeah he is really good…

Seems like there are two issues here…

  1. you are asking about the render styles, and I think DDD answered that pretty much… not sure how familar you are with your 3dmax program, but to get that level of even lighting and smooth shadowing you are going to have to practice your Radiosity and HDRI rendering skills… no way around that…
    Also you are going to have to brush up on your texturing technique…

im sure its prety simple but ive just got 3ds max back and cant remember much

  1. you are trying to figure out how to model “organic” to get those niffty clean flowing edges you see…

ne ways could you give me ne tips on modeling that sorta shape ive tryed doing poly modeling from abox but cant seem to get the shapes right?

This is another Monster entirerly… takes a bit of time to get the hang of organic modeling… some people spend years perfecting techniques, and learning the different styles, be it spline modeling or just plain old poly extentions… so you will have to practice this as well.

Box modeling is a good first approach, but to get all those niffty smooth corners and edges you need to know how to use your tools fairly well…
again it’s all about the practice…

I am sure DDD or Soulty could whip up an wire image for you…
but you are still going to have to do it yourself… and that after all is the fun part Right…?

Desire… Post the image you made lets see how far you got with it, and we will all figure out how to get you going… :smiley:

P.S. here is that guys link over at DA…


thats the attempt i made :crazy: lol

im gonna work on the box make it into some cool shape if i can lol. i need to work serisouly hard on my hrdi textureing thingys but it seems i ither do them to bright or kinda dull like this one.

a bit more work and some more handy hints from you guys to set me on the right tracks i say i might be able to do it in 5 years or so :smiley:

oh yeah i decided to go with the line tool and the loth modifyer seems to get the smoothest outcome from what ive tryed so far ne ways.

Yes, I know this guy. He’s on dA, and he uses Lightwave.
I can get pretty much the same results in C4D…

Nothing complicated in the lighting, just a white luminous
sky-dome. No HDRI needed, just radiosity.

well, basically…the method you are looking for is called poly modelling google that.

essentially you use an edit mesh/edit poly modifier. push and pul verticies, faces and edges to create a low poly mesh (outline) shape. then add detail by dividing and sub-dividing the mesh and pushing and pulling the newly created faces/poitns etc.

Then apply a mesh smooth mod

HUH…!!! :lol:
walks away laughing histerically

yea I agree on the skydome (i said that already). I use LW and I am sure on e a few those that there is some hdri. But you can pull o some good results without.

ok… lets see without getting to heavey this is a quick organic tute just to give you a basic idea…
open your program make four points in an overhead view

next you need to duplicate these points and manipulating the polygons created to what ever position you choose… what ever this command is in 3dmax you need to know… duplicate the points and manipulate the positons

do this again and again duplicate and manipulate until you get a shape you want…

once you have the design you need… transform this rough object into a subpatch, subdivision patch, bi-cubic patch, meta form, meta nerb, or whatevr 3d max calls it and you have your organic

wow I never uploaded multiple images here before… that was like giving birth… there must be an esier way

lol, nice stuff, next time just create a quick html page… and link it to there, something like what unflux does with battles…

Or one fat long image :wink:

wow, that was a good tut on the fly, render that bad-boy to see how the material comes out. Good work…

It’s been quite a while since I used LW, but I made this to show what a render looks like without any light rendering just using the default plastic texture. I will work on it as my memory jogs.