Hi everyone, i am re-creating a flash portal site with a new name, new features and it will be a lot better al together!
I am looking for people in various web development areas to help me with the site.
The site is going to be called Radioactive Flash, at first i was going to call it Area 51 but i think the other name is better.
So i would like people in the following areas of development to help:
- CSS and HTML
- Flash (Banners, cartoons and games, big as knowlege is a plus)
- Graphic Design (Banners, wallpapers and other things on the site)
- PHP (i do have someone who’s doing an amazing job at this so this is not a prioity)
- Artist (Design characters and stuff)
Here are some things that have been made so farm
Template Idea:
Blammed/Trashed Flash Idea:
Idea For Defualt Avatar
Idea For Bad Login Page:
Please Note - I cannot pay anyone unit the site is well situated on the web, sorry