I used the simple Preloader from the tutorial provided here at this site.
I can use it on my main movie but when i try and use it on a movie that I load using loadMovie the preloader will not show up… am I doing something wrong? I did the same thing to the main movie that I did to this one that isn’t working… any ideas?
OK i just said the **** with that. I’ve seen so many problems and no one has seemed to figure out that external swf’s using loadMovie + preloaders. (100% anyway)
SO i went ahead and tried to just use the simplest preloader that is on a tutorial on this site.
And I pretty much give up I dont know why it wont preload even with this simple method. Any help would be MUCH appreciated!
could not attach because it is toooo big so here is the link to the fla
in the first frame… I’m not a preloader master either, but I don’t think you can do that. Try to replace that code with this:
//to stop your movie
var l=this.getBytesLoaded();
var t=this.getBytesTotal();
if (l>1 && l>=t){
delete this.onEnterFrame;
That way if it isn’t load it will play Frame 2 if the movie isn’t loaded, and Frame 2 will tell it to loop back to Frame 1, which will update its info on loading.
<B>Ilyas:</B> Whoever gets to Kirupa first, we should tell him the code is wrong in his tutorial. The code supplied by nipp2002 is right out of the tutorial (and we wonder why we have so many preloader questions here) If you want to check it out, you can find it here… http://www.kirupa.com/developer/actionscript/preloader.asp
BTW: Great code, not sure if it works either, but it looks like it should in theory.
Ok well I guess i just wont use a “gallery” type of setup because the scrollpane is what is not letting the preloader work for some odd reason. the preloader wiill work if i just put them inside a movieclip and place the movie clip on stage… any suggestions ?