PERSONAL smilies, new angle on things.. hehe

Tried to make some personal smilies :slight_smile: Although they’re not GREAT, at least they’re fun :stuck_out_tongue:

Only 3 so far… :slight_smile:

Kitiara : Cyborg says it all! []

LostinBeta : Inspired by the footer! []

Phil J : Umm…! []


LOL, they are awesome Eilsoe… hehe, I like how you put the wink one for mine… but it is sooo girly :stuck_out_tongue:

Yep :beam:

Wut about Phils? :stuck_out_tongue:

Looks boy’ish =)

Phils looks like a thumb puppet :stuck_out_tongue:

Draw little eyes on your thumb, then place some yarn on top, you will see :beam:

LMAO :stuck_out_tongue:

Where is mine? :frowning:

PS. They r really cool.

Place on a Leather Fonzi jacket and you have Phil when he was a young’un

I haven’t made them all yet h88, easy now boy! :stuck_out_tongue:

Lost: For now, he’ll have a RED leather jacket… and he’ll ■■■■ better like it!! :stuck_out_tongue:

Oh thats fine, its his Michael Jackson: Thriller phase :evil:

Thumb Thriller phase :evil:

haha the phil smily is killer.

can you create a smily that swings a trout at another? it would be rather useful around here, with all the trout beatings, and whatnot…

LOL, a trout smacker! :stuck_out_tongue:

mayhaps :smirk:


lol that would be SO cool! Eilose, how the, well, how in the world do you do these?! they are SO good!

Awesome Eilsoe! Don’t forget me! Actually, I think I’ll make my own…:evil:

haha thats some pretty good work. =)

Sweet, time to fire up Fireworks. I’ll make one for me. Make one for Dan, with a tux :slight_smile:

Wow, you do fantastic work! Excellent :slight_smile:

with all this talk of smilies around here latley I am starting to wonder what kind of wierd fetishes these people have!

Oh crap - I started a thread about new smileys didnt I… Please disregard that 2nd sentence :)!

wow thats harder than I thought…

i made my own Smiley a while back =)

look at the bottom of my post to see my smiley, Im wearing a hat backwards… lol =)