This is too cute :P

—> <—

LOL :stuck_out_tongue:

not too bad - a little busy though, he needs to be BIGGER! woohoo!

nono, as small as possible :slight_smile:

wow cool!! a dork smiley!! speaking of dorks, where’s Phil and Mak? :-\

*Originally posted by electrongeek *
**wow cool!! a dork smiley!! speaking of dorks, where’s Phil and Mak? :-\ **

LOL ^ :beam:
Like the, thingy, whatever it is :stuck_out_tongue:


cute as ever…

would you do me the honor of making one with a baseball cap and bat? It’s for my brother, actually… don’t tell him…

if not, no worries…

cute lil’ buggers…


*Originally posted by eilsoe *
**nono, as small as possible :slight_smile: **


you mean this doesnt work for you??

I don’t see the crazy for all these smilies, honsetly :slight_smile:

*Originally posted by senocular *

you mean this doesnt work for you??

LOL!! what a big dork!! =)

+ Washer & Dryer =

He looks like he’s gonna explode… :sure:

really? Wut werd do WE use then? :slight_smile:

“adorable”…? nah…

How about “fluffypie”? :stuck_out_tongue:

they´re cute, fluffypie, whatever… what matters is that i :love: them :wink:


Are we talking about smilies with AI here? Because I don’t think I could handle that… :cyborg:


so philboi want omnivorous fluffypie’d smilies?


*Originally posted by Phil Jayhan *
**What a Heck

What the Heck Guigo, your ruining our phine American saying Brazillian boy…~! :wink:

Its ‘What the Heck’ not
What a Heck…

Get it right man~ :stuck_out_tongue:

pj :o **

i can even make a minor mistake an phil comes right up to slap me. what a heck! :stuck_out_tongue:

I knew that :bad:

[SIZE=1]not! :([/SIZE]

Thanks philman! :wink:

Ya cute just isn’t a guy sort of word. But there is nothing to replace it with.

*Originally posted by Phil Jayhan *
And Guigo-
Thats right! One mistake. You got it buddy! So watch it. :P:P **

[SIZE=1]sorry philbo. it wont happen again :([/SIZE]

aww, what a heck! take that, you dictator bastard :trout:

HA! :stuck_out_tongue:

cute… yeah, its obvious he has a girlfriend
