Photo Gallery.. PHP/MySQL

I am after someone who is talented enough to create a photo gallery which includes…

  • A login for my client so she can create albums, upload photos to an album and set a password to an album

  • On the client side i would like a set of thumbnails, one thumbnail for each album.

  • Once the album is clicked it brings up a unique login area (where only the person whos photos they are, can access it, so i need a username and password for each album)

  • When they are logged in they see a set of more thumbnails, with a tick box underneath each one, so that they can tick which ones they would like to order and click a submit button at bottom or top of page.

  • When a thumbnail is clicked inside one of the albums it brings up a bigger version of the image.

Thats all… but the tricky bit is… my client needs to be able upload about 1000 photographs per DAY so i cant just have one upload form… i need someone to devise of a way of uploading massess of photos into albums, with ease of a few clicks?

Is there any way of having my client upload photos that are in Zip files, that then unzip themselves into order?

If your interested then add me on msn at or email me to that address.

If your confused but want to know more! , do the same :slight_smile:

Im offering around £150 for this, cant go any higher, but i need it complete in 1 - 2 week.

Harish off these forums was meant to be doing it, but he hasnt been online since before christmas or responded to my emails, so harish if your still interested then get back to me ASAP otherwise whoever gets this done first will get the money…
