Im after a experiends php/mysql programmer to help me work on a website for a photographer. The programming will ensist of:
A thumbnail gallery of albums so clients can see it, and once clicked will open that particular album or take you to a page where the client logs in.
once logged in they can click on more thumbnails to view bigger sized photographs and details etc of that particular album in a popup, but also underneath the thumbnail will need to be a check box so they can select that certain photograph and click submit at the bottom which will send the order by email to the photographer.
I will also need a admin area where my client can login, create new “albums” by uploading photographs and giving them descriptions etc, she will also need to create username and passwords as each album will require its own password so that only certain people can see it.
If your willing and interested then add me on msn at jaymayo@gmail.com or email me to that address and we will talk more. Im willing to give a percentage of what i earn to the programmer and will need to be done withing 1 - 2 weeks max, if your interested then email me or add me on msn.