I’m have modified the thumbnail photo gallery so that I can reload the thumbnails at the bottom and put a new set in.
The problem now is that the scroller stays where it was last left and if you had used the scroller and moved the view to the right but had not moved it back left and you load a new set of thumbnails, the pictures do not reload at the left most of the thumbnail_mc movieclip, it reloads and stays where it was.
For example if I scrolled to the sixth picture (so that the sixth picture is the first in the thumbnail_mc movieclip and the mask) in the first thumbnail set and and then load the new set the first picture within the mask (the first one you can see from the left) will be the sixth of the new set, not the first.
I hope that that makes sense as my .fla is too large to post.
Any ideas of why this is happening or how to fix it?