Photo Gallery?

What’s the best way of doing a photo gallery in flash?
I’ve looked through the photo gallery tutorial on kirupa, but I need to be able to make thumbnails of them first and then click to see bigger images…
I dont know what’s the best way of doing this…
the more images I have in my gallery file, the bigger the file is!

What’s a more efficient way of doing this? :blush:

thanks everyone!

Dynamically via “XML” or “PHP” or you can just loadMovieNum() each .jpg from the server on demand so they don’t have to be loaded in advance.

>>>LOOK in Here and scrll down to “Images and Video”<<<


there is a couple of great tutorials within Kirupa on slide shows…use the “SEARCH” box above …seek and ye shall find…

Hi RelandR!
Thanks for your reply…so when I use ‘loadmovienum’ how do I get it to load where I want?

I tried doing something like this:

on (release) {
_root.createEmptyMovieClip(“container”, 0);
loadMovieNum(“gallerypics/set1_01.jpg”, “container”);
container._x = 150 ;
container._y = 20 ;

but it pops up the image in a new window… what am i doing wrong??

Please explain! :slight_smile:

thank you!


Use loadMovie() function instead of loadMovieNum() function… :wink:
Also, you will need a routine that will check if your JPEG file is fully loaded or not so that you can change the property of its container movieclip…

I did try using loadmovie instead of loadmovienum…but when I did that, I didnt get anything loaded… ARGH!!! FRUSTRATED!!! I HATE FLASH!! :*( help help help please!

make sure your file is in non-progressive jpg format. gif, png, bmp… won´t work.

the command should look like this:
loadMovieNum(“yourFile.jpg”, level);

// or

loadMovie(“yourFile.jpg”, “target”);

ok thanks everyone for helping me with this…
this’ll be the last question for this stupid gallery…I swear! :frowning:

I finally got the images to load properly using the ‘loading techniques’ tutorial…but now how do I unload it? When you want to go to other sections of the website, after viewing the photogallery, that last picture you just viewed stays on the website…how do I get rid of it?

Do I use something like this?

on (Press) {
unloadMovie(“jpg name”);

On all my navigation buttons? But if I do that, how do I unload whatever jpg is currently on the screen? Know what I mean?

thanks a bunch!!!


how are you loading them in the first place: levels or target?



This is what I have:

on (release) {
_root.container._x = 9 ;
_root.container._y = 77;

_root.onMouseDown = function () {
startDrag (“container”,false) ;
_root.onMouseUp = function () {
stopDrag () ;

Which I got from the loading tutorial…
I can use:
On all of my navigation buttons, but there’s no way I can know which jpg file they are on in order to unload that specific one… Does that make sense? How do I unload no matter which jpg file they are on? :hangover:

try this:




I actually used

on (release) {

but the _root.container was what got me…I didnt know what I was supposed to do!

Thank you all sooooo very much!!! :love:

I still hate flash tho… ;( LOL

LOL :stuck_out_tongue:

that´s ok… sometimes i hate it oo :crazy:

you´re welcome, i´m glad to help =)