Greetings all, I’m part way through building a photo site with answers I have found on these forums but as I am a self-confessed action script newbie I am having difficulties.
What I have so far is here:
if you click on the bottom ‘Australia’ button then the thumbnails will load and in turn when you click on those the main photo loads.
Happy with how far I have got, BUT…
One problem is that the dynamically loaded thumbnails are actually the main photos loaded from a text file as an array and then sized in flash. I presume this means that they keep their original size in KB, which in turn means a lot of loading for each thumbnail section (may be wrong here?).
If this is the case then what I would like to do is load thumbnails (which have been properly sized outside of flash to lower the K) and then when you click on one have it load the full size version of the image in the resizing window, without having to make individual links in each case as I have about 600+ photos!
Currently the array is loaded from a text file, but I would like this to change to xml so I can also load a description for each image. I have tried, but alas not suceeded and now it is keeping me awake at night!
Also, on my wishlist would be a display that shows the number of photos in each section and which one you are on (e.g photo 5 of 20) and an optional next and back button which interacts with the relevant thumbnails (e.g. fades them slightly) and of course loads the relevant photo.
I tried to add easing and up and down buttons to the scroller and although I came very close I couldn’t quite get it to work properly, this is maybe something for the future though once the xml part is sorted out.
Still very new to all this and these forums have been a great source of inspiration so far. I have added the fla if anyone wants to take a look.
Many thanks in advance, top site.
Happy Snapper