Photo Slide Show Using the Transition Manager

Hi Everybody!!! (said in best Dr. Nickesque fashion)

I’ve build some pretty nice photo slide shows using this great Kirupa tutorial by sbeener mixed with the awesome help I received from scotty in [URL=“”]this post.

Now I need some more help as I would like to make it a bit more complex by using the transition manager.

Can this be done? Well … I know it can be done, I just need to know how. I’ve studied the code as best as I could to see if I could pull some thing off myself but my AS is not that advanced yet. I’m getting there but, not yet. :slight_smile:

I basically have 5 photos that are going to be sitting on a home page that I want to bring in every 15 seconds or so with a slick transition and then loop.

Any help or direction will be greatly appreciated.