Ok… This is my first post but I hope to keep this thread going as I have questions. I am a photographer/motion graphics artist and am deciding between BUYING or BUILDING my own flash site. There are a lot of websites out there that are selling templattes but usually you have to use proprietary apps as well as host with the company. I’m trying to avoid this but a few of these are…
So… I have basic html experience and some design sense and am pretty experienced in After Effects and Maya but for some reason I’ve been resisting learning a whole new program. I also am better at gui interefaces and really don’t like scripting that much.
I just wanted to get a sense of what I’m up against in complexity. I like the look of this particular templatte from bludomain at www.coreymcnabb.com. It’s a little overwhelming and I just don’t know where to start. Is it better to just buy something or take the time to learn this new skill?
ps… My current site is www.lusterstudios.com to give you a sense of what I have currently designed.