Photoshop 8

Also I might add that having the latest software doesn’t make you a better designer, what’s the use of having new features if you haven’t even learned all the old ones yet? So stick with what you’re good with and use to. =)

makes sense…but, what if your using old techniques that could be done in minutes while the old version takes hours? but what you said makes alot of sense, i don’t even still know half of the features and how to use them properly in PS 6, but i don’t want to learn PS 6 i want to learn 7 :slight_smile:

I’m probably going to wait for a while to get it, which isn’t a big deal since I’m completely happy with PS7. Plus I have to upgrade to Jaguar… which I don’t have yet!

I am happy with with Photoshop 7 also. It is a great program and I am not sorry I invested my $$$ in it.

*Originally posted by Makaveli *
**makes sense…but, what if your using old techniques that could be done in minutes while the old version takes hours? but what you said makes alot of sense, i don’t even still know half of the features and how to use them properly in PS 6, but i don’t want to learn PS 6 i want to learn 7 :slight_smile: **

Yea I agree with you Mak, if theres new features that could enhance your production then upgrade if you know what you’re doing other then that I say “why get another plate of food if you’re not even done with the one you have?” =)

how about “don’t put all your eggs in one basket”

that has absolutely nothing to do with this thread but the thought of food was making me hungry and for some reason i remembered this saying…anyways C:-)