
the animation is created in flash the images are created in photoshop, and its basically layout out in dreamweaver.

:slight_smile: you are great…perfect explanation…I owe you one. Cant get any informant than that…:slight_smile: i get what ure saying now the only thing is, you say aelect a portion of the bg,hw i do that? new in photoshop 2…sorry bro…:frowning: i got the rest though. once i select this portion and save it as ps png, ill open flash, write the size of portion down, and ill insert my flash. i got all about saving etc then ill take the swf and inport into dreamweaver…got all that just the select and paste in ps…uhhm

simple :slight_smile:

Step 3: after making the selection on step 2. press ctl and C on your keyboard, this is the shorcut for copy. now that you have copied the selection , press Ctl and N , making a new document, notice how the size of the document is based on the selection you copied !! all you do now is press Ctl and V to paste in the selection you copied . :beam: easy!!


flash can too read .psd files, it will ask you if you want to import it via quicktime…

but im drunk right now, dont pay attention to me!C:-)

thx alot bro…i did an example with flash…but it takes forever to load the image<—flash image y is that…

thx alot i seen why u have to cut and paste…:slight_smile: but heres my url why doesnt my image show up…it just loading

how big is the file?

25.9 kb over 32, ooo bytes used…

what? , i mean the swf? right click on the swf, and go to properties, check how big the file size is.

yeh thats what i did. it says 25.5 kb I was told I might have put too much stuff on it but the size of it is 120X80 in pixels. Its the snow affect. Is there a way to fix it?

Oh yeh, I tried the copy and paste and it didnt work and I did everything you said. when im i dreamweaver, and try to insert the swf in the pot i copy and paste it jumps off meanning it goes outside the barrier of the photoshop image.when i hit ctrl+c it said cannot complete the command cause the selected area is empty. so what i do? thx

what the…!!!

Man i have no idea on what you just said, can you please re word the previous message. :-\

i got it all to work and i figured out my problem with the load. 2 much effect.thx for all the support. lol sorry to have confuse you.

You seem to be all over the place with your direction.

Let me explain again

you first start in photshop.

You make the background in photoshop

, make the selection to the portion you are going to create in flash. when you have made the selection press “Ctl” and “X” (cut) make sure your selection is made before you do this.

Next press Ctl and N to create a new document, press ok , and now you have another document which is blank, now in this blank document press Ctl and V. So now you should have two document, one with the background with a peice cut out and another document where the piece that was cut out has been pasted in. Now save the background with the peice cut out as a jpeg or gif, which ever is smaller in size and does not lose much quality.

Now with the document you have which you pasted in the background. Save that as a PNG.


create a new movie, make the movie the size of the cut peice. (the second document ) Import your PNG file into flash.

Create a new layer in flash, create your flash stuff on top of the image. once you finish your flash animation SAVE IT ,then, press Ctl and enter to test your movie or go to file and test movie.

Now open DREAMWEAVER , Take that swf file you just created

and with the JPEG background image we created at the start in photoshop combine them together and make your html page!

:::remember that all your files that you import into your html page, have to stay with the html page . So it is best to create a folder and put your swf and your jpeg image into that and then save your html page in there as well. so where ever the html goes to the contents go.

Best of luck.


oh man, lol, i didnt notice you posted while i was typing, lol, read over my last message if you want, it could clear some stuff up for you. good to hear you worked it out



lol…thx I needed that really I just didnt want to keep bothering you. I know how new comers can get under the skin. You have been tremendous help and I really appreciate. Im gonna do this again. Ned to refill the coffee first…:slight_smile: ill come back and tell you what happened