
K, say I finished my template in photoshop. Now, I want to add Flash MX to it. How I go about doing that? Just save my photoshop template and open flash, open the ps temp to Flash?


i think, i have never done this before.:trout:

Sorry, no can do, Flash can’t read Raster file formats like psd’s.

You gotta save it as a jpg or png, etc. then import that as a bitmap, then hit “trace bitmap” to have flash convert it.

As stupid as it is, that’s the sad truth.

When your done your whatever you are doing in photoshop, then you " save for web " then in flash mx or 5 it don’t matter you goto file> import, i think, ya i think that’s right.

Basically what GWing_02 though you dont have to trace the bitmap? if your using the photoshop image as your background. then simply import it. then put it in a lower layer of your flash file. thats it. best to save it as a png. then let flash compress the file with its jpeg compression.


K i get what ure saying. But when i create background in photoshop and i import that image in flash mx t shows as a pic. meanning when u open up flash you already have a <New> movie. white background for istance…lol u know what i mean. then i go to <file> <import> <psimage> i have that white background in the back field. how do i make my main background as the ps image? there we go…lol

heres an example

you cant, if you want to fill your flash movie with a photoshop background, you would need to make the size of your flash movie based on your photoshop image, or your photoshop image the size of your flash movie. after you do that it dosent matter what colour is in the background of flash because your picture will cover it.

:: if your worried about it moving around, just lock the layer where your photoshop image is


about your link , thats more html based.

thx…finally got the answer…appreciate it bro…:slight_smile:

I know this is off topic…Im just learnning flash as u can tell. say i created my loader. basically, when u create ure site i flash everything has to be together, correct? loader>ps background> actual flash on site> hope that was understandable…:slight_smile: all of that has to be on one project in flash, right? stupid Q i know but just had to make sure

sorry dude , can you explain what you mean.

lol…yeh that was a little out there. I was just saying, when you creat a movie in flash, first you want to create a loader. does the loader and my main flash movie i creat all go in the same work area? there…:slight_smile: think thats better.yes its a stupid q but just had to make sure

oh , you mean like your preloader and your main swf, yeah all goes in the same file. If your talking about your splash page like the link you showed me. well that a bit different, html was used for that, and a flash movie was nested in the middle.

oh, so the link i provided earlier was made in regular html and they just created that background effect with something like photoshop and inserted the “flash” onto that. Right? thx for clearing all that up for me. So If I created a loader and I save it I can just go back and open that loader and continue on with my swf correct?

yep that link was just regular html with flash animation placed in the middle.

:::what do you mean by loader? are you trying to create that effect from the link, html and flash together? or are you talking about making a preloader for your main swf?

how did he go about doing that? He has his background in regular html, then he inserts the flash. C, how did he insert that bit of flash and it had no background. U see how the circle effect blends in to the reg html. the outer effects of the circle----the see through part. tranparent i guess to the background.

I was just curious about the loader. b/c with that type of site it really doent call for a loader. yeh it was just a Q bout my main swf

many ways, there is a way you can export flash with a transparent background, but this does not work for all browsers, so the way to do it is add a little bit of the background to your flash file. then you import it in the html page, if you notice when you first load that link you will c that there is a white space where the flash file loads, thats all a flash file.

::: the preloader. ok, yeah your preloader is generally first before your main movie, there are alot of preloader links and tuts in kirupa you can go searching on the forums.

gotcha, thx alot for the help. You cleared alot of things up for me. Oh 1 more thig once you finish with ure flash and want to save it to export to ure html, what are the methods. meanning, what do you save it as and how do u export to html? that will be it man…:slight_smile:

we are still talking about the splash page right? if so , just use the swf created from your flash file. and use dreamweaver to import it. Then use some dreamweaver skills to place it in the middle or where you want it. same goes for your site, all you have to do is create a swf file and place it in your html page with a html editing program. there are export features in flash but if you want to look into that search the forums.

:::is this what you wanted :-\ ?

so basically, when ure finish in splash, we are gonna import that image in dreamweaver----you have your background. now we are gonna import ur swf and place it where ever you want it , all his in dreamweaver. this is what ure saying?

ok let me explain, you you create the background in photoshop, next you select a portion of the background which you will use in flash. Cut and paste this to another photoshop document. select the background image and export to web. save the background as jpeg or gif, which ever you can get smaller is size without losing much quality.

Now get the file we copy and pasted. save this as a png. (make a note of what the document size is)

open flash.

make the flash movie the size we wrote down from the photoshop file, import the image into flash. right click on the image in the library , untick use flash default compression, set the compression to about 70- 80%

now add your flash animation on top.

save the file. Render your flash movie. either by pressing Clt and enter or go to file and click on test movie.

Take the swf created from this and then import that into a html editing software.