Photoshop Shadow to Flash?

great, now the server my site is on seems to be down … just great :sigh:

just chopped the main swf from 192k to 28k

Cool man glad I can help. Most peeps think that flash compression is good enough. I drag all my images thru fireworks first then import them in to flash.

I save my images at the highest quality from Photoshop, import them into Flash and adjust the properties as needed.

Probably not always the best thing to do, but if I use images in my Flash it is usually just a test thing and I am not concerned on fil size.

*Originally posted by lostinbeta *
I save my images at the highest quality from Photoshop, import them into Flash and adjust the properties as needed.

Thats what I did to drop the file size down … I didnt optimize it in ImageReady (like i would do with regular web graphics), i just adjusted the image quality in flash. It seems you get the same results, and more control over how much optimization you want, right inside of flash.