PHP 5 Sockets with Flash 8 - Tutoial

[SIZE=2]I have just followed the [[/SIZE]**PHP 5 **Sockets with Flash 8] tutorial by by obiAdmin (raymond): dated 30 September 2006.

Some questions and feedback:

Are you aware that the files in the zip contain differenet names in the actual tutorial - and on page 5, in particular the naming of files is somewhat confused… and was quite irratating to sort out.

When I execute (or try) the socketShell.php (tutorial naming) or socketTut.php (zip file naming) script/s I am getting the same error messgae saying call to undefined function socket_create() (line 36 / 45 respectively)

I am using Apache2, with PHP 5.2.4 - please - what am I doing wrong!

thanks for any help!
