Php counter

I did a search, please don’t beat me too hard if this has been asked a million times.
How could I make a hit counter in PHP? Just a simple text one.
I’m sure it would be an easy task and I have a semi-solid idea how to do it, I just don’t really know how to code it.

I was thinking you would set up a variable that would just be increased each time someone visited a page and that number would be drawn from the text file and displayed. I’m not worried about IP stuffs or anything.

Any help would be thuper

there ya go :wink:*counter*

theres a tutorial for a counter on that page…

hmmmm grrrrrr

*Originally posted by ahmed *

<<!--- --->?php
$handle = fopen("counter.txt", "r");
$contents = fgets($handle, 4096);
$temp = sprintf("%d", $contents);
$handle = fopen("counter.txt", "w");
fputs($handle, "$temp");
echo ($temp);
?<!--- --->>

this should do it :slight_smile: **

ok i found that, and im assuming that is what you would put in the html page that would load the variable, but what would be in the txt file?

that is a php file.

save a text file with the extention .php

so that would be


then make a text file called “counter.txt”

and then in Flash you would loadVariables from counter.php

I’m not doin it in flash:P
I just tried the link you said jubba, and I’m uploading right now to see if it worked

do you see that big 'ol ugly thingy too?

oh ok, you don’t want flash, then you would use the same code. that prints out the number you want :slight_smile: check out that tutorial, it should be of use… if you don’t know php then Ahmed’s explanation might not help too much…

haha oops… i didnt have it CHMODed
sorry for the dumb post
thanks a ton jubba and ahmed
really helpful as always

just a quick question, how can i edit the color and stuff it displays in?

print out font tags before and after you print out the varialbe…

thanks jubba… got it all worked out now… i even get how it works
thanks for puttin up with me:beam:

*Originally posted by Jubba *
**hmmmm grrrrrr **
sorry jubbs :stuck_out_tongue: :wink:

always beating me! :stuck_out_tongue: