PHP - Dynamically display mysql results in a table

Hi All,

I have a mysql database setup and working my only problem is in my php code I don’t know how to run a loop to create a table which is 4 columns across with a 3 columns spacing one between each column by howevery many rows/records there are so for example I would want it to look like this:

product 1 image product 2 image product 3 image product 4 image
product 1 product 2 product 3 product 4
price price price price
spacer row spaning 7 columns

Here is the exact code for the table and how I want each row to be generated.

<table width="100%" border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" class="products">
                    <td width="142">Product Image</td>
                    <td width="142">Product Image</td>
                    <td width="142">Product Image</td>
                    <td width="142">Product Image</td>
                    <td width="142" align="center">Product Name</td>
                    <td width="142" align="center">Product Name</td>
                    <td width="142" align="center">Product Name</td>
                    <td width="142" align="center">Product Name</td>
                    <td width="142" align="center">$10.00</td>
                    <td width="142" align="center">$10.00</td>
                    <td width="142" align="center">$10.00</td>
                    <td width="142" align="center">$10.00</td>
                    <td width="142">&nbsp;</td>
                    <td width="142">&nbsp;</td>
                    <td width="142">&nbsp;</td>
                    <td width="142">&nbsp;</td>
                    <td colspan="7">&nbsp;</td>
                    <td width="142">Product Image</td>
                    <td width="142">Product Image</td>
                    <td width="142">Product Image</td>
                    <td width="142">Product Image</td>
                    <td width="142" align="center">Product Name</td>
                    <td width="142" align="center">Product Name</td>
                    <td width="142" align="center">Product Name</td>
                    <td width="142" align="center">Product Name</td>
                    <td width="142" align="center">$10.00</td>
                    <td width="142" align="center">$10.00</td>
                    <td width="142" align="center">$10.00</td>
                    <td width="142" align="center">$10.00</td>
                    <td width="142">&nbsp;</td>
                    <td width="142">&nbsp;</td>
                    <td width="142">&nbsp;</td>
                    <td width="142">&nbsp;</td>
                    <td colspan="7">&nbsp;</td>
                    <td width="142">Product Image</td>
                    <td width="142">Product Image</td>
                    <td width="142">Product Image</td>
                    <td width="142">Product Image</td>
                    <td width="142" align="center">Product Name</td>
                    <td width="142" align="center">Product Name</td>
                    <td width="142" align="center">Product Name</td>
                    <td width="142" align="center">Product Name</td>
                    <td width="142" align="center">$10.00</td>
                    <td width="142" align="center">$10.00</td>
                    <td width="142" align="center">$10.00</td>
                    <td width="142" align="center">$10.00</td>
                    <td width="142">&nbsp;</td>
                    <td width="142">&nbsp;</td>
                    <td width="142">&nbsp;</td>
                    <td width="142">&nbsp;</td>
                    <td colspan="7">&nbsp;</td>

Here is my php code which I am using as well and this is what I have so far:

$connect = mysql_connect($dbhost, $dbuser, $dbpwd);
	if (!$connect) { die("Could not connect: " . mysql_error()); }
	mysql_select_db($database, $connect);

	$result = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM products WHERE cat_id = 1");
	$num_rows = mysql_num_rows($result);
	if ($num_rows > 0) {
		$frow = floor($num_rows / 3) + ($num_rows % 3 >= 1 ? 1 : 0);
		$srow = $frow + floor($num_rows / 3) + ($num_rows % 3 == 2 ? 1 : 0);
		echo '<table width="100%" border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0">';
		echo "<tr><td>";
		while($row = mysql_fetch_array($result)) {
			echo $row['product_name'] . ' ' . $row["price"] . ' <img src="' . $img . $row["image"] . '" /><br />';
			if ($x == $frow || $x == $srow) {
				echo "</td>";
				echo "<td>";
		echo "</td></tr>"; // close last column, close row
		echo "</table>";


Any help would be much appreciated!

Thanks in advance,