Hello all:
I have a database table with column titles of img, title, and description where the img column holds the path name to an image and not the image itself. I’m able to upload to it via a form I created and am able to display it contents, but if I have more than one entry that I’m trying to display, I can’t seem to get them lined up correctly. I tried echoing the entries inside divs, which puts a break between each div, but the title for the second entry gets displayed in the first div, etc. The page can be viewed at http://dev.syndicateinteractive.com/shed/purchase.php and my code is below that I’m using to display them. I would like to have them all aligned left nice and neat with the titles and descriptions aligned appropriately to each image. Any help would be appreciated. Thanks!
while ($r=mysql_fetch_array($query)){
echo "<img src='admin/". $image . "' align='left' class='purchaseimg' /> <h2>". $image_title ."</h2><p>". $image_description . "</p>";