PHP Email Form Problem?

Can you guys check out this script and tell me if I got everything right. For some reason it’s e-mailing me, but not all the variables that I want. I’m only getting an e-mail with a subject of FANTIMdotORG with no from address or anything like that.


// Recieving and Creating Variables... 
$Name = $_POST['name']; 
$Email = ""; 
$Message = $_POST['message']; 
$Subject = "FANTIMdotORG"; 
$Addy = $_POST['addy'];
$Header = "From: $Name <$Addy>"; 

//Performing Mail script... 
mail($Email, $Subject, $Message, $Header); 


well you’re only telling the script to send the variable $Message. YOu don’t define anything else that is supposed to be contained within Message.

yup you need to include $Addy in your $Message

and $name… :sigh:

   $to = "";
                 $msg = "Name:     $name

	 $msg .= "E-mail:    $email

	 $msg .= "Phone:    $phonenumber

                 $msg .= "Message:   $message


  mail($to, $subject, $msg, "From: YourHomeSite
Reply-To: $email

That’s it.

In your Flash you have to have fields, with variable names:






the “send” button has to have the following code:

on (release) {
		loadVariablesNum("mymailform.php", 0, "POST");

That should do the trick. It’s as simple as it gets, 'cause I got the impression you’re not very experienced in doing something with php. Neither am I :slight_smile:

Remember that this code does absolutely no checking whether the mail as sent or not. I recommend that you write a check bit in there also.

Shouldn’t be too hard, but I left something for you to solve too :slight_smile:

Hope that helps.