Hello. I am playing with a mail form in flash mx 2004. I have it working fine when the swf is right on a page, but loading it into a container mc makes it get stuck in the “status: waiting for confirmation” loop.
here are all my files:
feel free to try these on my site:
index1 is the swf form right on a page. It works fine. It sends a mail to the site, an auto reply to the sender, and resets to the blank form.
index2 is the exact same swf, loaded into a container clip. The auto reply gets sent to the sender and the site just fine, but the swf gets stuck in the status loop. So everything works except the php coming back into the swf. Seems like some sort of path.problem with the answer variable.
Would someone be kind enough to check out my mailform fla and php file to tell me where to make a code change? I’m new at this and it will help me understand the whole process a lot better.