PHP help urgent

I got contract to maintain & update a site…

But the entire site is in php. I just started teaching my self php. So I am kinda stuck. I have the ftp, login & password. so am able to access the files. the site is…

Does any one have any idea how I would approach this…

Please need help!

Ha! You shouldn’t take jobs unless you know the language that the site is built in. You’re going to need more than php, I believe. It looks like they might be using some database driven stuff. If you have any specific questions I can help you, but as far as an approach… I would give that site to someone else if you don’t know php that well…

But I bought this book…“php & mySQL web development” & have been reading a few sites.

Thing is, the site is already finished they just need me to change a few things. add some pics text etc. I would have to know php 100% right now to do those things…

You won’t need to know php inside and out, but you will need more than a basic knowledge. Like I said, I would need specifics if I were able to help you more…