PHP help

currently on my site, i’m only using php for lik…ex. <?php include…blah blah…?> stuff, thats the only thing i know and its not much help, but i was wonderin what other useful or cool things i should know how to do…:rambo:

Huh? I would give you an extra hand and be :cool: and everything but I don’t undersatnd what you want… You left me :q: and :crazy: with your post…

If you are tlaking about some etxra stuff and I think I’m getting what you said… There are things like…


Those are the 3 main languages I use for websiting :slight_smile:

i’m just wonderin wat are some of the useful stuff that php can help me on the site, i know lik…only 1 script that i can understand + remember now…but looking forward to new things that can b useful…

you can use PHP to make your site dynamic. Make it easier to upload content. There are all sorts of things you can do with PHP. Its not like there is any one thing that PHP can do that would make your site better…

i know, but i don’t want to read the php manuel (1000+ pages) to find out the possiblities, i currently use php’s “include” function to help me change stuff more easily…but is there any other useful stuff i should now lik the “include” function?

Yeah… there are millions of options to choose to make your site dynamic… Or being able to allow the user of your site to exchange information with the server to make his content different :slight_smile:

Like this forum… Was created with php… You can make chat rooms… Forums… Mail Handlers… Password handlers… Form Handlers… Document Handlers… Pretty much if you can think it up… it can “almost” all be done… There are somethings it can’t do but not many :wink:

huh…can u just list some practical scripts that are commonly used?:sigh:

Well how about this? You tell us what you want to do… and we’ll tell you how to do it…

Because it all really depends on the person and what the person needs for their site. If you have a small static webpage then you probably won’t need a database. But if you want a guestbook then you may want a database or a text file driven guestbook…

i’m not sure with the “static” stuff…in fact…i hav no idea…(just goes to show how much a newbie i am)…i’m not really looking forward to a php guestbook thingy, i’m looking for more of wat php can do for me before i make a decision to use to for what… :blush:

Well thats the same quesiton that people ask about Flash. What can I do with it? Well like anything it has its limitations but as long as you are a reasonable human being then your expectations should lie within those limitations. I suggest you check out this book:

alrit, i thought of somethin that might b possible, can php add a site “current visitor” thingy?..and also, is there a way that i can make a information thing, sort of lik…the “current visitor” thingy that links directly with my phpbb forum?