PHP lovers: Go get it: Code highlighting!

Ok, so maybe you knew about Beautifier … used on many sites to highlite code…

BUT! now you can use it with Flash textfields, thanks to Claus Wahlers (team Macromedia / ego7 !!) .
You can check out his post on his weblog, and if you really really want it, I might post the link to the download; it’s an unofficial, uncommented version which he put online coz I kept spamming/pleading, lol…

You can check out an example…

Cool, huh? Now I just need to figure out how to really get this working with my flash-messageboard, and complete the actionscript hilite file, it’s a bit old & lots of new terms missing… any help welcome…

thats frickin cool! :beam:

As you say, my friend, FRICKIN’ COOL it is indeed! lol

Imagine, this guy turns up on the phpforflash board, thinks it’s cool but syntax hiliting is missing, so like 1 day later, he got it working…jealous! Just like that, takes the php, makes a few mods, and there you go, it works in Flash…
Just wish I knew more PHP… v5 is out! (or soon)

soon eyez… I wish I knew more as well. Learning more every day. :wink:

thing is, i just started learning php, and they’re releasing yet a new version :-s… hope it wont be much different…

i think they are just adding stuff to it. I am pretty sure that most of the functions that are out now will work in the new version…

Well, when I started, you could just send the vars from Flash, and they’d turn up as $var in php, no need to do anything, now they made a minor sub-new-version like 4.2.whatever , and oups, nothing works anymore coz you got to use the HEADER stuff and get the vars from an array etc etc… well… good fun :frowning:

you may want to read this to get an idea/sneak preview about the new features…