Ok, so maybe you knew about Beautifier … used on many sites to highlite code…
BUT! now you can use it with Flash textfields, thanks to Claus Wahlers (team Macromedia / ego7 !!) .
You can check out his post on his weblog, and if you really really want it, I might post the link to the download; it’s an unofficial, uncommented version which he put online coz I kept spamming/pleading, lol…
Cool, huh? Now I just need to figure out how to really get this working with my flash-messageboard, and complete the actionscript hilite file, it’s a bit old & lots of new terms missing… any help welcome…
As you say, my friend, FRICKIN’ COOL it is indeed! lol
Imagine, this guy turns up on the phpforflash board, thinks it’s cool but syntax hiliting is missing, so like 1 day later, he got it working…jealous! Just like that, takes the php, makes a few mods, and there you go, it works in Flash…
Just wish I knew more PHP… v5 is out! (or soon)
Well, when I started, you could just send the vars from Flash, and they’d turn up as $var in php, no need to do anything, now they made a minor sub-new-version like 4.2.whatever , and oups, nothing works anymore coz you got to use the HEADER stuff and get the vars from an array etc etc… well… good fun
you may want to read this to get an idea/sneak preview about the new features…