Creating a PHP actionscript highlighter

Hey guys,
Before I begin, let me make clear that I know about syntax highlighters already in existance (like GeSHi). However, I want to create one (with your help :ne: ) that’s compact and built specifically for AS.

I borrowed the syntax from GeSHi:


and I started building it, but with no real direction.

Here’s what I have so far (directly underneath the first code example in the same file):

$str = "/*----- some comment*/
function arg(hey) {
    if(stuff == 4) {
    trace('hello world');
    return stuff;

$str = str_replace(" ","&nbsp;",$str);

# single-line comments
$str = preg_replace_callback("#//([\S\s]*)?\r#U", "doFormat", $str);

# multi-line comments
$str = preg_replace_callback("#/\*([\S\s]*)?\*/#U", "doFormat", $str);

# quotes

# keywords
for($i=0; $i<count($as['KEYWORDS'][1]); $i++) {
    $who = $as['KEYWORDS'][1][$i];
    $new = "<font style='{".$as['STYLES']['KEYWORDS'][1]."}'><a href='wiki.php?id=".strtolower($who)."'>".$who."</a></font>";
    $str = str_replace($who,$new,$str);

for($i=0; $i<count($as['KEYWORDS'][1]); $i++) {
    $who = $as['KEYWORDS'][2][$i];
    $new = "<font style='{".$as['STYLES']['KEYWORDS'][2]."}'><a href='wiki.php?id=".strtolower($who)."'>".$who."</a></font>";
    $str = str_replace($who,$new,$str);

# symbols

# function doFormat
function doFormat($m) {
    global $as;
    $code = "<font style='{".$as['STYLES']['COMMENTS']."}'>".$m[0]."</font>";
    return $code;

# function doCode
function doCode($m) {
    $swap = '';
    for ($i=0; $i < strlen($m[1]); $i++) {
        $swap .= '&#'.ord($m[1]{$i}).';';
    return $swap;

# replace all newlines with breaks
$str = str_replace("\r","<br />",$str);
echo $str;


Does anyone have any tips on how to get this thing working? If nothing else, it’s a good PHP-learning experience :nerd: