Hey guys,
The amount of requests for something like this is out of hand. I think it would be so great to have a tutorial on this.
If I write this myself, I know it will never get done. Too many things going on for me right now, to write an in depth tutorial on this.
I know this hasn’t really been done before, but would anyone(s) like to collab on this with me?
It’s been a while since I wrote a tutorial, so I’m really itching to do this.
Things I want to cover
[]Building a dynamic news system
[]Go over basic SQL statements
[]Password Protection
[]Updating News
[]Adding News
[]Deleting News
[]If possible - Create Commenting System
[*]And of course Database Structure
I figure, if we can get a few people on this (at least 1 more person to help me out), each section can be covered in great detail, thus bascially getting a college education right here at Kirupa :lol:
I’m sure I left some stuff out, so if anyone has any idea’s (cough… voets ), please let me know