I have a RIA in development. I am the sole developer at this point using the following technologies:
[]MySQL[/LIST]I’d like to hire someone to teach me how to get past doing manual queries in PHP to maybe using some sort of ORM. I’d buy a book and teach myself but I am a working professional so time is a factor here.
I don’t really care if you have 10+ years in the field or some high school kid, just so long as you know your stuff. All you need is to meet the following requirements:
[]proficient in PHP & MySQL w/ knowledge of a ORM technology
[]located in the USA
[]speak English
[]the ability to articulate your points well so that a noob can understand them
[]have a paypal account (I don’t want to screw around with cash, check , etc.)
[]have skype (its free for skype to skype calls) and some IM client
[]have maybe 4-8 hours to do this[/LIST]If you meet the requirements send me an email with the following information:
[]location in the US
[]code samples for PHP (remember a php noob is reading this, but a developer too)
[]skype and IM information
[*]price per hour for your help[/LIST]Cool. Alright I look forward to some responses out there. Send em to:
jwopitz (at) gmail (dot) com